Working with wellbeing
defining WELLBEING
A talk at Soul Factor Singapore by
Carl Thong, Entrepreneur, Sunstone Group, theologian and musician.
We work better together in relationships based on trust. We bring our whole self to work when there is a culture that promotes wellbeing. Saying that we value people needs to go beyond a motto on an office wall. We show that people matter in the care with which we treat others and in seeing everyone as somebody’s precious child with hopes, dreams, needs and gifts. Connected teams and organisations build strong relationships of interdependence and collaboration. Care for the individual is shown in the ways needs are noticed, help is willingly offered, and mentoring is prioritised.
However, work cultures can become toxic and drain the energy out of people rather than give joy. Silos and internal competitiveness can cultivate an atmosphere of obstructiveness, bullying and blame. The consequence is increasing levels of stress and damage wellbeing.
What makes a good work culture?
What causes a toxic work culture?
Read Exodus 20:1-17
Carl Thong described the gold standard of culture found in the Bible.
How would you apply the 10 commandments to the workplace and how would they promote wellbeing?
barriers to WELLBEING culture
Culture is an outcome of values, behaviours and actions. The barriers to culture therefore include:
• Complacency “not my problem”
• Risk “what are the consequences of speaking out”
• Lack of integrity and Self justification “do what I say not what I do”
What is stopping the development of wellbeing culture in your organisation? What might your role be?
For a Christian, cooperation begins with serving others out of love because God first loved us and showed his love by sending his son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins (1John4:10). Work is ministry as we bring the boundless resources of God’s grace into the workplace. The Christian worker relates to others as valuable people made in the image of God. This takes the attitude of a servant who looks to the needs of others (Philippians 2:1-11) and is willing to invest sacrificially in others with truth in love so that we all grow into the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 4:12-16). The works of ministry bring reconciliation in relationships by seeking and practising forgiveness. Every day brings opportunities to be an ambassador of Christ who is speaking and serving with love and therefore pointing people to Jesus, the source of love.
shaping corporate culture for wellbeing
We all have the opportunity to shape culture as we are equipped with ethical and moral standards. As a result, Carl Thong described how we can build “an ecosystem that encourages grace, truthfulness and feedback”.
What actions and practices will build this ecosystem in your workplace? What role can you have in making this reality?
Carl described an example of seeking forgiveness from an employee he had treated harshly.
How would that apply in you workplace?
Carl ended by saying “I want to be able to demonstrate forgiveness and ask for forgiveness because of the forgiveness I have received from the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace shapes all I do.”
How would knowing God’s grace and forgiveness of you shape all you do?
Read Philippians 2:5-8
How would work culture be transformed by having an attitude like Jesus who served others rather than looking to his own interests?