Working with Sustainability
THE SOUL OF sustainability
A talk at Soul Factor Singapore by
Lynette Leong, CEO, ESG Funds and Stewardship
Read Genesis 1:28
Subdue doesn’t mean domination but being stewards who are caretakers on behalf of God, the owner.
How does this creation command shape our responsibilities in caring for people and planet?
Read Colossians 1:15-17
If all things were created through and for Jesus who holds all things together, how does that change our view of the world and of Jesus?
Our role is shaped by who we think we are. When we see that God created a beautiful world for our enjoyment we have a new motivation to keep it beautiful and enjoyable for us and others.
What does seeing why God made the world and made us rulers shape our work motivations and roles?
2. Original economic laws
read Leviticus 25
The laws of Jubilee and sabbath prevent excessive wealth staying in the hands of the rich as the poor become poorer. They also ensure sustainability of economic use as the land has a season of rest.
How might these laws apply today and what difference would they make?
For a Christian, creation care is a mandate summarised in God’s first words to human beings. Our identity as workers is bound up in being stewards of God’s creation – tenants for a time, not owners. We are therefore responsible to multiply value rather than let assets remain unused or depleted (Luke 19:11-27) and equip others with the capacity to be value generators as well. It’s as we encounter Jesus’ heart of kindness towards people that we start to look at how we can invest with kindness in other people (Luke 19:1-10). When we work with God’s investment priorities, we use our resources to help others become part of his kingdom-people in this world and the next (Luke 16:1-9). We work fixing our hope in the restoration of creation (Romans 8:18-28) and an inheritance that can never fade (1 Peter 1:3-4) – treasure worth investing in and telling others about!
How much do you know the ESG impacts of your work?
Have you formulated a sustainability strategy? What elements are vital to God?
How does it change our attitude to the resources we have and other people we live amongst when we see ourselves as stewards rather than owners?
Read Matthew 22:36-38
One of the ways we love others by taking care of the world we share and by being socially responsible in our actions so that we create the conditions for dignified human life.
What does our stewardship of resources show about our love for God and love our neighbours?