Working with Purpose


PURPOSE alignment

We want to have a reason to get out of bed in the morning that makes a difference and gives us a place in the world. Work is increasingly seen as more than a means to earn money. As people look to do what they love, they look to work for organisations that value what they value. In response organisations are developing a purpose, embracing values and upholding values that do the right thing. But is this ESG drive for environmental consciousness, social justice and good governance just lip service or green washing?

What alignment is there between your personal and your organisation’s values?

In a world of expressive individualism where everyone follows their own ambitions, personal purpose can be self-centred. Also, in a world of brokenness, work can often seem like pointless toil without significance. Likewise, organisations can use purpose as a marketing ploy rather than a conscious posture of why we exist and what we’re here to do. The consequence is that people can feel disengaged from the organisations they work for and conclude wrongly that to do work of value they need to join a social enterprise or be a so-called ‘key worker’.

What values and purpose are are the centre of an organisation with a soul?

the gift of PURPOSE

For a Christian, purpose is found in being a worker who is called by God and given work by him as a gift. This gift is rooted in God’s perfect and purposeful creation. Just as God forms what is formless and fills what is empty, people are made in his image and sent with his blessing to be fruitful (a forming technology word) and multiply (a filling word). Seeing work as a gift transforms all work from a grind to a necessary calling and corrects the view that work is my goal that is the ultimate source of security and satisfaction.

Read Genesis 1:26-28

How does this creation mandate from God challenge the idea that work is just a necessary evil?

read Ecclesiastes 2

How does seeing work as a gift from a good God (verses 23-24) change our attitude to work and satisfaction from work?


In this talk Wilson Ang, a Partner in a global law firm, describes two work motivations. One was to be a success by climbing the ladder and becoming a prominent litigator by powering through in his own strength. The other was to show Christian virtues of love, patience and kindness. He describes being told he was “too Christian, too reasonable, too patient and not antagonistic enough” in an appraisal.

Can you be a good Christian and a good lawyer?

Wilson describes how he found the answer to these cross purposes in realising who he is and that his true boss is Jesus Christ.

What is the significance of Jesus being the one who ultimately appraises us?

Read matthew 25:14-30

God places us where we are at work for a purpose and gives us assignments and trusts us with work to do.

How does this change the way we can view our work?

Read Ephesians 2:1-10

Wilson describes how we cannot save ourselves no matter how hard we try. But because of Jesus’ sacrificial work on the cross that pays for my sin and failures, I am forgiven and accepted as a free gift of God’s grace. We work as people pre-approved by a God who gives purpose.

How does knowing you’re already unconditionally loved by God give meaning and purpose in work?