


We appreciate beauty that lifts our heart and points us to how the world can be. Beauty is seen in design that maximises the user experience and puts an understanding of people at the centre. Business excellence starts with a belief in the value of our work and a drive to improve the quality offered. It is an abundance mindset that shares the benefits widely and offers where most needed.

However, beauty is destroyed by the decay and brokenness of the world and the selfishness of humanity. This leads to three replacement activities. In a competitive environment where only the tough survive, beauty is quickly replaced with a “win at all costs” mentality and sole focus on my profit maximisation. Second, growth thinking can be replaced by fear of loss and of scarcity which leads to exclusive and protectionist ‘grabbing hold’ tactics and only offering value if the extra cost can be justified by larger profit margins. Third, excellence can be replaced with making do and people can be treated as a number or a target for a faceless transaction – there’s little beauty experienced when “they just want my money”. 


For a Christian, beauty and excellence point to God’s work and character. The Christian sees work as a place of worship where we enjoy his favour, we delight in his world that is pleasing to the eye and good for food (Genesis 2:9) and we bring order and beauty into all that we do. We worship by working with excellence ‘as for the Lord’ (Colossians 3:23-24). A Christian is concerned that there is much not beautiful about the world and how we live in the world. At its core, beauty is destroyed by selfishness and the sin at the core of the human heart. Unless we receive God’s cleansing and salvation of God’s grace and love we will never know love (1 John). A Christian loves knowing the beauty of God’s love and enjoying his favour. Work as worship blesses others out of an abundance of blessings received and restores purity and light out of a desire for God’s glory;

working with excellence

An interview by Wen Lim with
Belinda Lee, TV Presenter and DJ

Discussion questions

To be completed